Thursday, September 24, 2009


I read this article and watched the video from the Today show, about a woman in Indonesia giving birth to a 19 lb. baby. All I can say is YIKES, and OUCH! Although she did deliver it via c-section, but my goodness can you even imagine. The pic is of the newborn baby next to an average size newborn. The comparison is insane. See for yourself.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Charged with blog delinquancy.

I have officially charged myself with "Blog delinquancy." Yup you heard me right. "Blog Delinquancy." So lock me up and throw away the key....Just kidding. I can't believe it has been over 3 months since my last post. I really have no excuse for why that is other than I have been just plain lazy. We have done many things, seen many faces and been many places since my last post. We have had HUGE milestones happen, one being that my twins are now 1 year old. ((sob)). We had a huge birthday party for them. There were exactly 64 people at the party. We also had the most beautiful weather that day. It was perfect.

The twins enjoying their bday party

Me and my whole crew.

Rose wearing her bday smash cake.

The beautiful bday cake

Time has flown by so fast. Another huge milestone is that my 2 older girls have moved up a grade. Marie is now in 5th grade, and Melody is now in 1st grade. I cant believe that, its insane, to say the least. They both love their school and their new teachers this year. I miss them being little.

My big 5th grader and my big 1st grader on their 1st day of school.

We have had visits from good friends. My good friend Heather and her family visited from Kansas and stayed with us for a couple of days, they even got to be here for the twins bday party. That was just so nice to be able to share that with my good friend.

I just love this pic of Heather and Tyler (my good friends from Kansas)

Im sure there are many other things I could share with you that have taken place thses last few months but I just cant seem to think of all of them at the moment. At least I have shared the bigger events and happenings from the last few months. Im hoping to make this (my blog)a daily priority again as I did in the beginning. We'll see what happens.